
Global Filters

All list/index endpoints offer a common set of filters.

Filter ids

Usage: GET /api/v1/entities?ids=123,456

Allows you to filter by comma-separated IDs and fetch multiple entities.

Filter updated_after

Usage: GET /api/v1/entities?updated_after=2022-04-20T09:17:58Z (ISO8601 timestamp)

Enables you to give a timestamp for all entities that are created or updated after this timestamp, especially useful for synchronisation purposes.

Combine it with a webhook subscription on DELETE for the entity to have a complete synchronisation.

Filter by Custom Fields – custom_properties

Allows you to filter entities by one or more custom fields. The filter for the custom fields is passed via the query-parameter custom_properties. To query entities that contain the value “Automotive” in a custom field named “Sector”, the query would need to be as follows:

GET /api/v1/entities?custom_properties[Sector]=Automotive

Filtering by an unknown custom field will result in an empty result set!

Custom Fields of type MultiSelect

For custom fields of type MultiSelect can store multiple values. They can be queried by a single value or multiple values. Assuming there is a custom field named “Sector” of type MultiSelect, the following queries are possible:

  • querying for a single value: GET /api/v1/entities?custom_properties[Sector]=Pharma

This will find entities with the value “Pharma” in the custom field named Sector. Additional values may be present in the custom field named “Sector” and the entity is still matched.

  • querying for multiple values: GET /api/v1/entities?custom_properties[Sector][]=Pharma&custom_properties[Sector][]=Chemistry

This will find entities with both the values “Pharma” and “Chemistry” in the custom field named “Sector”. Additional values may be present in the custom field named “Sector” and the entity is still matched.

The multiple values are given in the array bracket format (notice the empty bracket after the custom field name), i.e. custom_properties[Sector][]=Pharma&custom_properties[Sector][]=Chemistry will correspond to the following JSON:

  "custom_properties": {
    "Sector": ["Pharma", "Chemistry"]

While this custom_properties[Sector]=Pharma will correspond to the following JSON:

  "custom_properties": {
    "Sector": "Pharma"

Both are valid for querying custom field of type MultiSelect.

Custom Fields of type Boolean

Custom fields of type Boolean can be queried with true or false. Assuming there is a custom field named “Newsletter” of type Boolean, the following queries are possible:

  • GET /api/v1/entities?custom_properties[Newsletter]=true

Will find all entities for which the custom field named “Newsletter” is set to true.

  • GET /api/v1/entities?custom_properties[Newsletter]=false

Will find all entities for which the custom field named “Newsletter” is set to false.

This will not find entities for which the custom field named “Newsletter” was not set to any value.

Custom Fields of other types

Custom fields of type Date need to be queried with the date-format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. query all entities with a “Subscription Date” of March 25th, 2024:

  • GET /api/v1/entities?custom_properties[Subscription Date]=2024-03-25

For custom fields of type Select, Textarea, String, Link, the queried value needs to match exactly, i.e. partial matches do not result in a match.

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